Schedule A 1-Hour Residential Landlord-Tenant Consult Here!

STOP! This section is only for Residential Landlord-Tenant Consults.

Residential means non-commercial.

For all other matters, click here to be redirected to the Free Case Evaluation Form.

Letter To All Potential Residential Landlord-Tenant Clients

To all the potential residential landlord-tenant clients, I do apologize. Due to the sheer number of requests for free consults, I had to stop offering them. I was getting complaints because I could not respond to every inquiry. While I do practice some residential landlord-tenant law, it is not my primary area of focus. As such, I am going to offer 1-hour paid consults to answer questions from individuals regarding simpler landlord-tenant issues including security deposits, eviction procedures, and so on. Please note that I do not handle issues related to the ADA or government subsidized housing.

Pricing: 1-hour paid consults cost $240.00.

Please be aware that the $240 hour is a flat fee and will not be reduced if the matter takes less than the full hour to resolve. If additional time is needed, the 1-hour paid consults can be extended 1 additional hour at a rate of $240 an hour billed in 15-minute increments without the need to amend the engagement letter. These consults can not exceed 2 hours.

Please be aware that representation is not guaranteed.

Larranaga Law will not collect payment until after the engagement letter is signed.


If you do, I will not represent you in any capacity.

I utilize a secure payment platform via Clio. I will never ask you for your credit card number over the phone.


1-hour paid consults are limited in scope to answering residential landlord-tenant questions, drafting proposed settlements, lease extensions, security deposit demand forms, and other simple forms that the landlord or tenant can use by themselves to help resolve potential issues. Such forms will not include the attorney’s letterhead or name.

These are short-term engagements that do not cover any criminal matters. Further, they do not include the drafting, filing, or performance of any civil litigation matters. The attorney will not draft any pleadings to be used in court aka ghost drafting.

If the representation cannot be resolved in 1-2 hours, the attorney will inform the client of such and advise the client of additional steps that may be required to resolve the issue including hiring an attorney for a longer duration of time. Please note that Larranaga Law takes very few long-term residential landlord-tenant clients.

Representation does not commence until 1) an engagement letter is signed, 2) full payment of the initial $240 is made; and 3) a copy of the potential client’s driver’s license is provided.

Please Watch The Entire Video Prior To Scheduling.

This video talks about the scope of the consultation and what potential clients should expect. Some of this is repetitive but if you are at the point where you need to schedule a 1-hour consultation it is important that you listen to all the preliminary requirements so you do not waste time and money.

Here we discuss the scope and the purpose of the 1-Hour Paid Residential Landlord Tenant Consults offered by Larranaga Law.

How To Schedule Your 1-Hour Residential Landlord-Tenant Consult

  • Complete The Potential Client Intake Form using the link below.

  • If your answers meet the requirements, I will send you an engagement letter aka a contract describing the limitations of the engagement many of which have been discussed at length above (Please read everything and watch the video if you have not done so already).

  • Once signed, you will provide a copy of your driver’s license and schedule a time.

  • Prior to the onset of the meeting, you will pay the initial $240.00. This money will be held in trust until the meeting is concluded. At this time, you will be billed and that money will be used to pay the bill. Please be aware that the 1st hour is fixed fee meaning you will be billed the full $240 regardless if the consult lasts the full hour or ends before the full hour expires.

  • If additional time is required, up to 1-additional hour can be added, which will be added to your bill. Such costs would be paid out of pocket. These consults shall not last longer than 2-hours.

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